Ruined Movie Titles Harry Potter Funny

Hello there, fellow Potter heads.

We are here to talk about something very near and dear to our hearts: iconic moments from the books that were left out of the movies. There is no way to make us madder than a troll than to bring up characters like Peeves who never got their due in the film.

The AllEars team recently got to discussing what still makes us mad all these years later, and things got…heated.

Here are our top answers! Warning: you may also get retroactively angry reading this list.

Seven Iconic Harry Potter Moments We're STILL Mad Were Left Out of the Movies

1. Percy's Arc

First of all, we can all agree, Percy is pretty terrible. But you wouldn't know just how terrible he is in the movies! He literally betrays his family for the Ministry of Magic, writes Ron to stop being friends with Harry and to stop trusting Dumbledore, and tells his wonderful father that he has no ambition and that's why they're poor.

BUTTTTT, he does have a redemption story! In the Deathly Hallows, Percy apologizes for being a "Ministry loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron" as Fred calls it, and then fights alongside his family in the Battle of Hogwarts.

But in the films, we just see Percy be annoying (classic), and then keen watchers will notice he's on the Ministry side in Order of the Phoenix when Fudge storms Dumbledore's office. And that's about it! We never get the drama, the torment it causes Mrs. Weasley, or — most importantly — the redemption.

2. The Marauders

The Marauders are arguably the BEST part of Prisoner of Azkaban, and while we get the Map in the film, we don't get ANY explanation of who created it!

This is incredibly annoying for a few reasons:

1. It's a huge plot hole! Lupin confiscates the Map from Harry and knows EXACTLY what it is, but it's never explained how.

2. The connection between Harry's patronus being a stag and his dad being a stag animagi is lost.

3. It's such a cool story!!! To know that three underage wizards were able to achieve some of the most advanced magic and then run around the school with their werewolf friend?! THIS IS THE SPIN-OFF WE NEED, NOT FANTASTIC BEASTS.

3. Rita Skeeter's Secrets

Speaking of unregistered animagi, we never find out Rita Skeeter's big secret!

As you recall in Goblet of Fire, Rita always has the big scoop for her hot columns in the Daily Prophet. But it's never revealed HOW she finds out all the salacious gossip!

In the books it's revealed that she, too, is an unregistered animagi — a beetle in fact! She turns herself into a bug and places herself in ear's reach of private conversations…literally "bugging" Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, and more! But we never see this in the movies, which also means we don't get to watch Hermione figure it out, trap her in an unbreakable, and blackmail her to stop. Which, IMO, is one of Hermione's finest character moments, truly taking her from know-it-all rule follower to an A+ sassy witch.

We also don't get to see Rita interview Harry for the Quibbler about You-Know-Who's return in Order of the Phoenix, but that's a total other story, and this post would be 1000 items long if we listed EVERYTHING.

4. Peeves

"Peeves, who's that?" – people who have only seen the movies

Peeves is the Hogwarts poltergeist, and he is a TROUBLEMAKER. He's always pulling pranks and tormenting Filch, the caretaker. But without Peeves we miss out on a few iconic moments, namely:

1. When Professor McGonagall whispers to Peeves "it unscrews the other way" when he's trying to unscrew a chandelier to mess with Umbridge.

2. When Fred and George dramatically fly out of the castle after tormenting Umbridge and say "Give her hell from us, Peeves!", and he SALUTES THEM.

5. The Elder Wand

At the end of the Battle of Hogwarts in the movies, Harry just…BREAKS THE ELDER WAND.

This is just silliness. Now he has NO wand, considering he didn't repair his phoenix-core wand first like he does in the books. He also lays the Elder Wand to rest with Dumbledore, which makes way more sense and is a nice moment of closure we don't get from the films.

6. S.P.E.W

We don't get to see any of Hermione's efforts to free the house elves!

It's some of Hermione's finest moments, creating the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Mostly, I wish we had S.P.E.W. to see sweet little Dobby wearing all of the hats Hermione knitted thinking she was freeing all of the elves. But also, it leads to great discussions about social hierarchy.

Also…we never even meet Winky, which is another loss… *must contain the list…must contain the list*

7. The Battle of Hogwarts

Okay, fine the Battle of Hogwarts does happen in the Deathly Hallows movie. But we don't get several iconic moments!

We miss out on Harry doing the Cruciatus curse on Amycus Carrow to defend Professor McGonagall. We miss out on the return of iconic characters such as Oliver Wood and Charlie Weasley (who appears…barely…once in the whole film series. ugh.)  We don't see Luna helping former D.A. students cast their patronuses. We don't get the thestrals and Buckbeak fighting off the giants. And possibly worst of all, we don't get to see Kreacher lead the house-elves to battle shouting ""Fight! Fight for my master, the defender of the house-elves! Fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus! Fight!"

But we do get a ridiculous face-morphing falling out a window scene with Harry and Voldemort and silly dusting, instead of his poetic normal man death. So…there's that.

What Harry Potter moment are you still bitter was cut from the movies? Let us know in the comments!

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